The Super Cool 2023 Recap
2023 was a big year for us.
We officially launched Super Cool Stories, LLC. We dedicated ourselves to more regular content here on this blog as well as on our social media channels. We started a YouTube channel with a lofi coloring series. And we even got on TikTok, though admittedly, we’re still learning a lot there. In honor of meeting these goals, here is a recap of some of the fun things we did last year (with links).
A 2023 link round up.
Blog Posts:
A website revamp also meant the launch of our blog with most posts based on the questions we get asked most often about the Super Cool Scientists books.
YouTube Lofi Coloring Series:
This was the most fun project, hands down. The videos show us coloring pages from the Super Cool Scientists books and play relaxing music you can listen along with to color, study, or work with us.
Find Super Cool on Social:
We recommitted to our communities on Facebook and Instagram with more regular content and launched a new TikTok. Come explore our content, give us a follow, and join in the sharing of super cool science and scientists.
We can’t wait to see what next year brings. Thank you all for your continued (and new!) support and encouragement. We appreciate each one of you!